Phone: 812-355-8200
Toll Free: 800-237-6602
Fax: 812-355-8201
Email: cwebb@callnetservices.com
Suite 3105
Bloomington, IN 47403
Charles Webb
Phone: 812-355-8200
Fax: 812-355-8201
Email: cwebb@callnetservices.com
Susan Liggett
Director - IT
Phone: 8002376602
Fax: 8123558201
Email: sliggett@callnetservices.com
Call Centers
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CallNet Call Center Services partners with Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Utilities nationwide to provide after-hours, overflow, and 24/7 outage call taking, customer service, and crew dispatching. CallNet has been supporting Utilities for over 25 years with services you need to keep the lights on and power flowing. We can integrate with your OMS, IVR, Smart Hub, AMI/AMR as well as bill pay, disconnect/reconnects, and Tier 1 Help Desk. Call us for a free quote.