LiveEO Inc
Vegetation analyses based on satellite imagery
Membership Info
- Associate Member - Silver
Contact Info
Johannes Ferdinand Fuerstenau
Business Development Associate
Phone: 614-697-4417
Business Development Associate
Phone: 614-697-4417
Street Address
80 Pine Street, Floor 24
New York, NY 10005
New York, NY 10005
Other Branches
Asset Management
Information Technology
- Mapping, AM/FM/GIS
Mobile Workforce Management Systems
Risk Management
Software Application Providers
Vegetation Management Services
no brands available |
About Us
LiveEO provides high-frequency monitoring of transmission & distribution grids, based on satellite data. Our service includes analyses to detect threats to the networks, such as vegetation encroachment and hazardous trees. Our machine learning algorithms automatically identify vegetation and the associated risk in even the most remote areas using satellite imagery. Through our unique workforce management tool we connect management and field crews. This allows to send crews where they are needed and streamline the maintenance process. Using satellites as the primary data source we can provide cost-effective overviews of assets, while enabling customers to take preventive action.